Category: Migraine

Working From Home

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you pretty much know that americas workforce is working from home minus the essential people. Medical staff, grocery stores, truckers, police, fire, i hope im not missing anyone if i am please forgive me, the rest of the people are being laid off or simply being paid to sit at home to try to stop the spread of Covid-19.

While i know this will help a bit i know it wont completely stop it as there are too many idiots who think they wont get it, its a cold or a conspiracy thing.

I know this isnt typically what i write about but hey its on my mind why not.. Ok enough of the intro and onto the show.

Monday: I setup my laptop at the kitchen table and had a beautiful view of the street and the farm across the street. The sun was shining in and felt, oh so good. Then the sun was shining on the table and i had to put a towel there as it was blinding. Next close the blinds. Not sure when it happened but i started getting a headache maybe from the sun… Later as the sun was overhead i could open everything back up. This setup didn’t work as my kitchen chair is wooden and uncomfortable to sit on for 8 hours. I threw a pillow on it, that helped a little but now enough.

Tuesday: I decided to use my mobile computer cart. I disconnected the desktop and connected my work laptop. I sat on my comfortable Ikea poang. This was much better but i had to sit forward or reach for the keyboard and mouse. Also im using a 32″ TV as a monitor and it was seriously bothering my eyes.

Wednesday: I setup the cart in front of the couch. Much much better. I noted that i may have to visit the office and pickup a monitor this is still bothering my eyes. I am comfortable on the couch, i put the heating pad on my lower back and yes this is better. BOOM! My computer crashed and rebooted. Whats this? The screen looks better? AH! Dummy i said, i need to start the laptop while connected so it picks up the proper resolution. Gotchya wont do that again. 🙂

Thursday: Feeling a little lazy and tired today. Im not going to closeup the couchbed ill just sit at the edge and work. At lunch i fixed it because my back started really hurting trying to sit up that long. Damn. Everything else is good and my headache is finally starting to subside.

Friday: Oh yes. I think i figured this all out everything is working well. Its been a very long week though. My migraine is gone, im comfy on the couch, and to add to it work has quieted down a little.

Friday evening I had some groceries ordered from an online service i use and they cancelled. I was really looking forward to the fresh fruit and veggies i get, so i looked and my local grocery store had a spot open up for pickup. I placed my order quickly. Why was i waiting for pickup/delivery spots? Because I am #immunocompromised and my life counts. #HighRiskCovid19 so I dare not take chances.

So ive actually been trying to order groceries online. they dont have any open slots for pickup or delivery. so since i use heres a code if you want COOKWME-SY4GZN and code: the 1st save you 25$ (i think) and the 2nd 10$ the 2nd has more options. These links will save us both money. Please if you are going to check them out do us both a favor.

Another Neurologist visit

Yep saw the doc this afternoon, remember when i posted this last december? Neuro Visit

The letter said they saw NO aneurysm. Ok so the doc read the report to me, and explained a little bit that i didn’t know and i’ll share here. an MRA can only detect an Aneurysm that is 2-3 mm in size. So they saw it the first time. The only worry when it gets to about 7-8 mm.The second MRA didn’t see it as it may have shrunk. I thought i had nothing to worry about however, it’s still there. We assume that because my blood pressure was sky high the first time around, and more normal the second time around it’s ok. Its shrunk and we don’t see it. So i must make sure to keep watching the blood pressure and keep it in check.

Also he gave me a few warning signs. If i get a thunderclap headache, that is it comes on super strong in the beginning rather than coming on slowly, goto the hospital. Also if one pupil is huge and the other is small, goto the hospital. Both are signs of the aneurysm either growing or leaking.

The only way we can say its clear/gone is to have a CAT scan. This comes with issues, first if he does it and there IS an issue i have to goto a specialized hospital and have it done again and they will fix it then and there. They don’t want to do too many CAT scans as #1 it exposes the brain to a lot of radiation. #2 the chemical dyes they use can cause cancer with continued use.

Last but not least, he doesn’t think this will be an issue as long as i keep the blood pressure down, probably less than 1 % chance anything will come of it. I hope he’s right.